Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The dangers of synthetic fragrance.

Here's a very important message by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics regarding the dangers of synthetic fragrances. I'm asking you to kindly share/re-tweet this message!

Fragrance ingredients contaminate newborn babies:

New study finds synthetic musks in umbilical cord blood.
Why? And how can you change this?

Below EWG also talks about the dangers of synthetic fragrances: 


Today, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics founding member Environmental Working Group released a new study that found 232 chemical contaminants in umbilical cord blood samples from 10 newborn American babies. Among the findings: two synthetic musks, components of fragrance, were found in 7 of the 10 cord blood samples.

Artificial musks commonly added to fragrances and personal care products can be absorbed through skin or inhaled, and concentrate and persist in our bodies - so our many small exposures can add up fast. Synthetic musks have also been found in human breast milk and fatty tissues, and are ubiquitous in wastewater and rivers.

The cosmetics industry and other industries that use "fragrance" in their products use a whopping 9,000 tons of synthetic musk annually, despite the fact that little is known about the safety of these chemicals. Unfortunately, preliminary research raises concerns: musks may disrupt hormones and are toxic to aquatic life.

Because of a loophole in labeling law, the ingredients in "fragrance" are considered trade secrets, so companies don't have to tell us what's in scents - often dozens or even hundreds of synthetic chemical compounds like synthetic musks and other ingredients linked to harm.
Biomonitoring studies like this one make clear that chemicals - many of which have never been tested for long-term safety or are known to be harmful - used in everyday products are ending up in our bodies and in our ecosystem. At the same time, cancer, infertility, and behavioral and developmental illnesses linked to many of these chemicals of concern are on the rise.

As consumers and citizens, we can fight the fragrance loophole. Here are three ways you can make a difference:
  1. Contact the manufacturer of a cosmetic product in your bathroom that lists "fragrance," "perfume" or "musk" on the ingredient label, and ask the maker to use non-toxic ingredients and fully disclose all ingredients on products labels. Click here for contact info, talking points and a short response form so you can let us how your conversation went!
  2. This holiday season, choose gifts free of synthetic fragrance. Consult the list of companies that have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, and use EWG's Skin Deep database to run an "advanced search" of products without synthetic fragrance.
  3. Check out our DIY cosmetics recipes for creative, fresh gifts for you and yours!
Thank you for making a difference in 2009, whether you wrote a letter to a company or Congress, contacted the FDA or switched out your old products for safe alternatives. You're a vital part of our work for safer cosmetics and smarter laws that protect our health.

Take action today and send a letter to Congress here.

In conclusion, I would like to encourage you to read those product labels and always opt for Certified Organic products.

Wishing you all great health as always! 


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