Sunday, February 7, 2010

Goodbye Toxic Candles!

Before you plan your next dinner party or your next romantic evening with scented candles, I urge you to refer to this very insightful article which discusses the pros and cons of conventional candles.

Fortunately, there are many alternatives available today so you don't have to contend with the burden of toxic candles. Lindsay Coulter also known as the Queen of Green, demonstrates how to make your own toxic-free candles right in the privacy of your own home. Making your own products is always an awesome thing to do since you get to control what goes into your products.

Should you decide to give this a go, I'd love to hear from ya.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Gourmet Candles Distributor said...

Well done! No more toxic candles for me either.

Unknown said...

I don't blame ya:) Thanks for stopping by and commenting -- appreciate it.